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Planning lien Method - Commenting on 2 documents lien

Fact & Notions : Recap & definitions lien Presentationlien
The "map" of Part 1. The oceans, UK's geopolitical asset lien
The "map" of Part 2. The ocean economy, UK's source of power lien

Method 1 lien
Method 2 lien

Case studies lien Method-oral lien Your projected documents lien Marking scale lien

CS1 - The UK, a naval power
How is UK’s naval power contributing to its global influence?
A powerful navyA strong presence west of Suez Coming back east of Suez

CS2 - A powerful maritime economy
How is UK’s maritime economy contributing to its global influence?
London, a major player A vital maritime strategy A booming sector

CS3 - Going green, a tool of maritime power
How is environmental protection an instrument of maritime power?
Protecting the environment Boosting UK’s economy Conserving UK’s fishing?

CS4 - Dependent territories, a tool of maritime power
Are the dependent territories an instrument of maritime power?
A strategic asset Economic resources Environmental challenges

Histoire BRITAIN AND EUROPE 1973-2020
Planning lien Method - Commenting on 2 documents lien

Notions : presentationlien recap & definitions lien
Method 1 lien
Method 2 lien

Case studies lien Method-oral lien Your projected documents lien Marking scale lien

CS1 Britain joining the EEC: Labour-Tory consensus (1960-1975)
Why was it so difficult for the UK to join the EEC?
The unsuccessful applications 1961-1968
Entering the EEC 1971-1973
Staying in the EEC 1975

CS2 The Conservative New Right and Europe (1979-1997)
How did the Conservative party show its ambivalence towards Europe?
1979-1984 Margaret Thatcher’s ambitions
1985-1990 Margaret Thatcher against more integration

1990-1997 John Major and the Maastricht Treaty

CS3 New Labour and Europe 1997-2010
How did the Labour party show its ambivalence towards the EU?
1997-2005 Tony Blair’s “Britain at the heart of Europe” yet...
1997-2010 Euro or not euro? (Blair PM, Brown Chancellor)
2002-2008 Did you say constitution? (2005-2010 Brown PM)

CS4 The Conservatives and Brexit 2010-2020
How did ambivalence turn into -acrimonious- divorce?
2010-2016 David Cameron & the run-up to Brexit
2016-2019 Theresa May negotiating the Brexit

2019-2020 Boris Johnson negotiating the Brexit

Presentation lienDocuments lien

• Endorsing a political candidate
Introductory facts
Comparing 2 endorsements from the 2020 U.S. presidential election
Recap lien
• Quality versus popular papers
Introductory facts
Simple example of 2 U.S. front pages to characterise popular and quality papers
More complex analysis of UK front pages
Recap lien

Parlement tv series

Hello !

De quoi vous détendre tout en restant dans les thèmes de DNL. Vos collègue d'Euro de ces deux dernières années ont adoré la saison 1 pour l'humour, la galerie des personnages (notamment l'Euro-députée britannique mais pas que...) et le fonctionnement parfois hallucinant du Parlement européen :

Jeune assistant parlementaire fraîchement engagé, Samy ne connaît pas grand-chose aux institutions européennes, mais espère s’en tirer au charme et au bagout.
La série est disponible en ligne sur le site de France Télévision @ https://www.france.tv/slash/parlement/ mais aussi sur l'application france•tv

Have a good laugh ! I sure did ;)