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Planning lien Method - Commenting on 2 documents lien

Notions : presentation lien recap & definitions lien
Method 1 : guided lien done lien
Method 2 : guided lien done lien

Case studies lien Your projected documents lien Marking scale lien

CS1 - Transition challenges in California, a developed US state (America)
Has California transitioned?
An uneven development A magnet for people Environmental challenges

CS2 - Transition challenges in the UK, a developed country (Europe)
Has the UK transitioned?
An unequal developmentAn attractive countryEnvironmental vulnerability

CS3 - Transition challenges in India, an emerging country (Asia)
How is India transitioning?
A challenged development An attractive country? Environmental challenges

CS4 - Transition challenges in South Africa, an emerging country (Africa)
How is South Africa transitioning?
A development threatened An attractive country An environment damaged

CS5 - Transition challenges in South Pacific small developing islands
Are small Pacific islands transitioning?
A prevented developmentParadise or Hell? Environmental issues

Planning lien Method - Commenting on 2 documents lien

Notions : presentationlien recap & definitions lien
Method 1 : guided lien done lien
Method 2 : guided lien done lien

Case studies lien Your projected documents lien Marking scale lien

CS1 - The first British revolution: the Civil War and Commonwealth, 1642-1660
How and why did the British people overthrow their government ?
The tensions between King and Parliament, 1603-1642
The Civil War, 1642-1649
A republican experience: the Commonwealth, 1649-1660

CS2 - The second British revolution: the Glorious Revolution 1688
How and why did the British people overthrow their government a second time?
The tensions of the Restauration, 1660-1688
The Glorious Revolution, 1688
A new monarchy, 1689

CS3 - A new British political regime: a parliamentary monarchy, 1689
How did the British people set up a government which protected their rights?
A limited monarchy
The sharing of powers
The sovereignty of the people

CS4 - The American revolution: the War of Independence 1775-1783
How and why did the British colonists overthrow their government?
The tensions between Britain and its American colonies, 1765-1775
The revolution for independence, 1775-1776
The war of independence, 1775-1783

CS5 - A new American political regime: a federal republic, 1781-1791
How did Americans set up a government which protected their rights?
The debate, 1777-1787
A new federal republic, 1787: the separation of powers
A republic without democracy

Documents lien

• UK parliamentary monarchy today (docs 1, 2 & 3)
Government buildings A democracy The monarch’s role
Recap lien
• The US republic today (docs 1, 4 & 5)
Government buildings A democracy
The president’s role
Recap and definitions lien

• Method: analyse de deux documents lien
Method 1 - The evolution of British royal power since 1689: the docs lien the analysis lien
Method 2 - The evolution of American democracy since 1787: the docs lien the analysis lien