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Planning lien Method - Commenting on 2 documents lien

Notions : presentationlien recap & definitions lien
Method 1 : guided lien done lien
Method 2 : guided lien done lien

Case studies lien Your projected documents lien Marking scale lien

CS1 - A new economy : two industrial nations
How did Britain and then the USA become the world’s first industrial powers?
The first Industrial Revolution in Britain
A shift in power
The second Industrial Revolution in the USA

CS2 - New societies : two urban societies
How did the British and American populations adapt to new living conditions?
Population changes
Urban growth and inequalities in Britain
Urban growth and inequalities in the USA

CS3 - New societies : two fairer societies?
How did the British and Americans fight for more rights?
More right for workers
Political reform in Britain
More rights for all Americans?

CS4 - New territories : two expanding peoples
How did the British and Americans settle in and control new land?
British emigration
The British empire
American expansion

Planning lien Method - Commenting on 2 documents lien

Notions : presentation lien recap & definitions lien
Method 1 : guided lien done lien
Method 2 : guided lien done lien

Case studies lien Your projected documents lien Marking scale lien

CS1 - London, a global player
What makes London a global city?
An economic powerhouse A worldwide reach A magnet for people

CS2 - London urban dynamics
What is the impact of globalisation on London?
An ambitious urban renewal Urban challenges More urban sustainability

CS3 - New York City, a global player
What makes New York a global city?
A global power A global reach A magnet for people

CS4 - New York City urban dynamics
What is the impact of globalisation on New York City?
A spreading power A more unequal city The need for more sustainability

Documents lien

• Political parties
• Major elections
The UK general election:
• Holding the election • Winning the election • Becoming PM
Recap and vocabulary lien
The US presidential election:
• Holding the election • Winning the presidential nomination • Winning the presidential election
Recap and vocabulary lien

• Method: faire un brouillon pour l'oral lien
The 2008 US historic presidential election: the analysis lien